April flew by - I've added some pictures from Easter! (I can't remember much more :-)
Now we're in the middle of May...Adriana only has two weeks left of preschool. She'll take the summer off from school (we have a wonderful friend watching the kids at home this summer) and then she'll be in kindergarten...is it a joke? My precious little Adriana just isn't so little any more. She started a "creative dance" class where she gets to learn a little tap, a little ballet, etc...she loves it!!! Logan is 9 months old and is all over the place...he is doing the "army" crawl and gets anywhere he wants to go...I really tried to appreciate the "sit where I put him" stage, but it went so QUICKLY.
Ben and I are still busy, busy working hard. I love my job and the new team I'm working with - trying to find more time at home and less time working - what a struggle!
Memere, we have to make sure you aren't taking all the pictures so I can get you in these posts more often :-)
Enjoy the pics!
we miss you guys!!!
Here they are again...posing in new dresses Nonni gave them
Nonni and Logan :-)
We were able to spend a morning with my stepmom - what a sweet woman!
We decided Logan needed his first real haircut...Erin and I took turns :-)
Namps playing with Logan...I get such joy from this picture as I know Namps really enjoyed playing with Logan and seeing him so happy.
My amazing 95 year old grandmother...what an inspiration!