Sunday, March 8, 2009

New Pics

Again, it's been way too long! Thought I'd send a couple of quick pics of the kids. Logan is 7 months old and is sitting up so well on his own. Adriana is still such a great big's a quick peak of how she's been torturing Logan :-)

Also some pictures of Adriana and our friend, Reilly. We love being back in the Greenbrier area...the Wynnes just stopped by tonight on their evening walk (did I mention it was 80 degrees today)...I love that spring is here!!!

What did "sissy" do to me now?

Adriana & Reilly

The feeling is mutual...


martwats said...

too cute. I just love all these kids!!!

Unknown said...

love the sunglasses! he doesn't even know what's coming to him